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Onboarding & Getting Started - Frequently asked questions

Onboarding & Getting Started

I'm new to letssubmit. How do I get started?

Welcome aboard! Start by completing your profile. If you're an artist, browse our curator's lists and start submitting your tracks. If you're a curator, dive into our track pool and discover new music.

Welcome! Complete your profile. Artists: browse curators and submit tracks. Curators: explore our track pool for new music.
Onboarding & Getting Started

How do I create an account on

To create an account, go to the homepage and click on the sign-up button. Follow the instructions to register with your email or social media accounts.

Sign up on our homepage using your email or social media.
Onboarding & Getting Started

Is there a fee to join

No, joining is free. You can create an artist or curator profile at no cost.

Joining is free; create your profile without any fees.
Onboarding & Getting Started

What should I do first after signing up?

After signing up, complete your profile. If you're an artist, add your tracks. If you're a curator, start exploring new music in our track pool. Add your awesome playlists.

Post-signup, complete your profile and add tracks/explore music.
Onboarding & Getting Started

How can I submit my tracks as an artist?

Browse the curator's lists and select the appropriate one for your music genre. Then follow the submission process for each playlist curator.

Select curators from lists matching your genre and submit.
Onboarding & Getting Started

How do curators find new music on the platform?

Curators can discover new tracks by diving into the track pool where artists submit their music. Curators with registered playlists on letssubmit also receive submissions from artists.

Curators discover tracks in the artist-submitted track pool Hot or Not.
Onboarding & Getting Started

What kind of music can I submit?

You can submit any genre of music as long as it's original content and you own the rights to it.

Submit any genre you own the rights to.
Onboarding & Getting Started

Can I edit my profile after creating it?

Yes, you can edit your profile information at any time by logging in and navigating to your account settings.

Profile edits are always available in account settings.